
About Us

Welcome from the Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Dear Colleague:

We welcome you to MasonLeads, a site where you’ll discover a wide range of leadership programs and initiatives for members of our campus community. Leadership is a common thread that connects the entire Mason community. Our commitment is to engage our students, faculty, staff and alumni in creating a socially conscious, civically engaged, and global campus community through leadership at all levels of our institution. Every day on Mason’s distributed campuses around the world you’ll encounter hundreds of individuals engaged in leadership through formal and informal positions and experiences.

George Mason University campuses are well positioned to create and sustain a wide range of leadership and leadership development opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and alumni. University settings provide ideal learning opportunities for individuals to study and practice leadership. Our University is uniquely positioned geographically to offer uncommon leadership experiences for its students, faculty, and staff.

There are various leadership initiatives across the campus in both University Life and Academic Affairs that tap into the vast amount of leadership talent on Mason’s campuses. Thank you for your interest in our leadership offerings and we wish you well in your own leadership journey.

Sincerely yours,

Nance Lucas, Co-Chair
Leadership Steering Committee
Associate Dean & Associate Professor
New Century College & the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences

Pam Patterson, Co-Chair
Leadership Steering Committee
Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students
University Life